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dwell in possibility

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C.S. Lewis

Beautiful, Wonderful Bookstores

Aren't bookstores beautiful? 


Filled to the brim with journeys into the imagination of others, just waiting to be discovered.Today I was visiting a friend in Harrisburg and we discovered the most amazing used and rare book store. It had a little cafe, music events, and an amazing mural on the wall. But most of all it had the most insane collection of books. And we just kept discovering more and more. It had everything! Art books, performing arts, classics, history books, philosophy, even a whole section devoted to books on linguistics. It was insane. Insane and beautiful. We spent most of our day exploring this incredible place, it was a magical experience, everywhere we look we found another doorway, another set of steps, another hall leading to a treasure trove of new books to marvel over. 


I wanted to buy so many. But I was able to narrow it down to two. Psychologie et Epistemologie by Piaget and a 1925 version of Letters of Travel by Rudyard Kipling. Simply two of my favorite book purchases! I just love old books and books in other languages!